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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Opening ceremony for the doctoral program "New Challenges in Ageing societies" on 21.06.2024.

The scholarship holders and participants look back on numerous interesting insights © Rümeysa Kahraman​/​TU Dortmund

The opening ceremony of the doctoral college "New Challenges in Ageing Societies", funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation, took place on 21.06.2024 on the premises of DASA in Dortmund. As part of the doctoral college, nine scholarship holders are researching on various challenges of demographic change in times of multiple crises for individuals, families and societies.

At the opening ceremony, there were first insights into the doctoral poster presentations, exciting keynotes by Prof. Dr. Anita Tisch (BAuA , Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University): “Work and employability of an ageing workforce” and Prof. Dr. Lea Ellwardt (University of Cologne) “The social safety net. Family or friends? Both!” as well as a panel discussion that highlighted the challenges in ageing societies from many different perspectives. Part of the panel discussions were Prof. Dr. Nicole Burzan, Prof. Dr. Lea Ellwardt, Prof. Dr. med. Hans Martin Hasselhorn, Prof. Dr. Frank Oswald and Prof. Dr. Anita Tisch.

We would like to thank everyone who took part on June 21 and we look forward to new empirical and theoretical insights as part of the doctoral program!

Further information regarding the doctoral program can be found here.

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt, Prof. Dr. Mona Motakef and Dr. Alina Schmitz