Conference Report – Global Contestations of Gender and Women’s Rights

In the current issue of Feministischen Studien on Feminism, Secularism, and Religion, our team research associate Holly Patch and Alice Farneti (Bielefeld University) report on the opening conference of the Research Group "Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights" of the Center for Interdisciplinary Researchd (ZiF) of Bielefeld Univeristy, 7-9 October 2020.
Patch, Holly and Alice Farneti 2021. ZiF Research Group »Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights« In: Feministische Studien. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (2021): Feminismus, Säkularismus und Religion, hrsgg. von Angelika Poferl, Heidemarie Winkel und Aline Oloff. 39 (1), 150-153.
For more on the special issue, see:
For further information about the ZiF Research Group, see: