„membra(I)nes“ 12th Annual Conference of the Gender Studies Association

Holly Patch will be giving a talk titled "Trans* Vocality: Experiencing Vocal Body and Claiming Voice" on 16 June 2023 at the 12th Annual Conference of the Gender Studies Association "membra(I)nes" from 15-17 June 2023 at the HGB Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle. For the train ride from Leipzig to Halle, Holly Patch and Holden Madagame have also put together a short podcast:
Sounding Voice – A Guided Exploration
Trans* activist and singer, tenor Holden Madagame and gender sociologist Holly Patch bring together their respective expertise on trans* vocality to illuminate gendered aspects of vocal membranes in their aural contribution “Sounding Voice”. In a short podcast, Madagame and Patch engage the listener in an exploration and reflection of “vocal body”, “voice”, and “vocality”, concepts resulting from Patch’s ethnographic research with the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles. Voices partition self and world at the same time that they socially and materially interlink listener and vocalizer; material membranes of physical vocal structures of the vocal body buzz and agentially engage in meaning-making; and vocalities function as socio-political borderscapes. Madagame and Patch invite you to play around and discover, for example, what these vocal membranes mean for gendered existence.
Further information can be found on the homepage of the Gender Studies Association.