New Publication "Die Rolle der Forschenden im Erkenntnisprozess" in Vallendarer Schriften der Pflegewissenschaft

The question of what can be known by whom and how is always important for researchers. Following Ludwik Fleck's reflections on 'Denkstil' and 'Denkkollektiv' and Donna Harraway's situated knowledge, this article examines the role of researchers. In "Die Rolle der Forschenden im Erkenntnisprozess - Überlegungen zur Güte (qualitativer) Forschung", Dr. Anike Krämer explains to what extent reflexivity can contribute to objectivity in the sense of Donna Harraway and on which levels this becomes apparent.
This is one of seven articles dealing with the appropriate design for one's own research project brought together in the book "Theoriegeleitete Forschungswege in der Pflegewissenschaft 2".