Workshop "LGBTQ+ and the Family"
Family practices have been in flux in recent decades. While previous research focused on the nuclear heterosexual family, more recently, scholars have undertaken great efforts to research family diversity and LGBTQ+ families in particular. A workshop at the Hertie School will bring together researchers, including members of our team, who are working on this topic from a variety of different perspectives.
Together with Christine Wimbauer, Julia Teschlade, and Almut Peukert, Mona Motakef and Leoni Linek will present findings from our DFG-funded research project Ambivalente Anerkennungsordnung - Doing Reproduction and doing family jenseits der heterosexuellen ,Normalfamilie' (2018-2021) at the Workshop "LGBTQ+ and the Familie" at the Hertie School on January 28, 2022.
The workshop is scheduled to take place in person at Friedrichstraße 180, 10117 Berlin, Germany, is funded by the Einstein Foundation, and has been jointly organized by the Members of the Social Policy Colloquium of the Hertie School, the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), the Charité University of Medicine, WZB, and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.