Mittelbau-Workshop Multidimensional Gender Inequalities of the Network Women's and Gender Studies NRW

Dr. Anike Krämer and the other representatives of the advisory board of the Network Women's and Gender Studies NRW have organized the upcoming Mittelbau-Workshop on Multidimensional Gender Inequalities in the academic mid-level faculty.
Multidimensional gender inequalities affecting mid-level faculty operate in a number of different areas. They affect employment conditions, everyday working life, and career prospects. What role do gender, social origin, or a migration history play, and how are they interwoven? How do racializing attributions, sexual orientation, or health and physical conditions affect working at the university? These questions have rarely been discussed or examined for their interconnectedness in both policy debate and research.
Based on the Gender Report 2022, the workshop will address these various dimensions of unequal conditions for mid-level faculty. The goal of the workshops is to draw conclusions for working and employment conditions, everyday working life, and career and professional perspectives based on the participants' experiential knowledge. The results will be brought together in a joint final discussion in the plenum.
The workshop will take place on 16.06.2023, 11:00-16:00,
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg location, Gerhard-Mercator-Haus
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