New Publication: Gender-Sonderheft 5

The Special Issue GENDER-Sonderheft 5 „Elternschaft und Familie jenseits von Heteronormativität und Zweigeschlechtlichkeit" has been published by Barbara Budrich in Open Access.
Rainbow family, insemination family, multi-parent family: These terms try to capture the phenomenon of parenthood and family being realized in diverse constellations. They stand in the field of tension between empirical diversity and societal ideas of norms and normality. The articles in this special issue explore the family forms of lesbian two-parent families, trans*-parenting and co-parenting, non-monogamous relationship networks, and queer relationship networks in the context of flight.
The authors address diverse family forms beyond heteronormative kinship relationships from gender, sexuality, and queer theoretical perspectives. The empirical focus is on everyday family practices: How is doing family and doing reproduction shaped in these families? The focus here is on the ambivalences and inequalities that accompany these practices. On the one hand, the legal and political openings as well as the reproductive technological possibilities are used in practice in a variety of ways. Through the use of assisted reproduction, the norm of opposite-sex reproduction within the heterosexual couple dyad is broken down. On the other hand, in addition to processes of inclusion, new exclusions can also be observed, as only those forms of love and life that resemble the 'normal family' seem to gain state recognition.
The editors:
The editors:
Prof. Dr. Almut Peukert, Junior Professor of Sociology, esp. Work, Organization, and Gender, University of Hamburg
M.A. Julia Teschlade, research associate in the DFG project "Ambivalent Recognition Order?", University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Christine Wimbauer, Professor of Sociology of Work and Gender Relations, member of the team of spokespersons of the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (ZtG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Dr. Mona Motakef, Professor of Sociology of Gender Relations at TU Dortmund University
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Holzleithner, Professor of Philosophy of Law and Legal Gender Studies, Director of the Institute for Philosophy of Law, University of Vienna
Target groups:
Teachers and researchers in gender, couples and family studies, and queer theory.
Gender Studies, Gender Research, Sociology, Education, Social Work