New Publication in Leviathan: “Rechtlicher Wandel im Schneckentempo: LGBTQ*-Familien zwischen Gleichstellung und Heteronormativität“

With regard to LGBTQ* families, legal equality in Germany lags behind changes in the reality of life. This institutional lag further excludes families outside the couple and cis norm from family policy rights. Using qualitative interviews with 13 LGBTQ* families, Dr. Julia Teschlade, Prof. Mona Motakef, Prof. Christine Wimbauer, and Lena Mobers show in their essay “Rechtlicher Wandel im Schneckentempo: LGBTQ*-Familien zwischen Gleichstellung und Heteronormativität“ how inequalities in the law persist and inscribe themselves in family practices. Sexual orientation and gender identity therefore need to be given greater attention as key determinants of social inequality.