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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Welcome to the website for the professorship "Sociology of Gender Relations"

Sociology of Gender Relations


Keynote at the spring conference of the DGS Family Sociology Section

Prof. Dr. Mona Motakef and Prof. Dr. Christine Wimbauer (Humboldt University Berlin) gave a keynote speech on the tension between paid and care work.
The image shows an event banner featuring the logos and names of two institutions: the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Sociological Association (DGS). The event is titled: "Moving Away from the Traditional Breadwinner Model? Balancing Paid Work and Care Work" It is the spring conference of the DGS Section for Family Sociology. The design includes shades of blue with yellow-green accents, and the title is displayed in a prominent font size.

Holly Patch in Deutschlandradio “Queer Choirs – LGBTQ+ and more”

Dr. Holly Patch presents research results from her study of trans* vocality for Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
Abstract graphic in red, orange, and yellow tones with the title “Aus Chor und Gesellschaft.” Below it, “Chormusik” is written. A play button on the right indicates a 56:37-minute audio recording. The Deutschlandradio broadcast aired on March 19, 2025, at 12:05 AM.

Anike Krämer invides as speaker for the Spring Academy of UARuhr

Anike Krämer gives insights into the doctorate in the social sciences.
Logo der Research Academy Ruhr

Project Funding for Dr. Holly Patch from the TU Dortmund Young Academy

"Gendered Futures of Small-Scale Farming in the EU"
Portrait Holly Patch

Prof. Dr. Mona Motakef at the lecture series on “Conflicting Masculinities” of the MaJaC at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB)

On 27.11., Prof. Dr. Mona Motakef and Prof. Dr. Katja Sabisch will give lectures on the topic of masculinities and care at the Ruhr University Bochum.
Lecture series in winter semester 2024/2025 Conflicting Masculinities Wednesdays 18:15-19:45 |Universitätsstraße 105, EG 14 30.10.2024 | Prof. Dr. Änne Söll (RUB)/ Prof. Dr. Florian Freitag (UDE): Kendom statt Kingdom: Post-Authoritarian Masculinities in Barbie 13.11.2024 | Carlos G. Halaburda M.A., PhD (University of Chicago): Latin America's Queer Anatomy in Belle Époque Paris: Paul Groussac, Gabriel Yturri, and Abject Glamour (Online event at Zoom: Please register at until one day before to receive the Zoom link). 20.11.2024 | Dr. Christian Drobe (Halle): Masculinity and Technologies. Roger Hiorns' works in the context of post-digital art 27.11.2024 | Prof. Dr. Katja Sabisch (RUB)/Prof. Dr. Mona Motakef (TU Dortmund): Masculinities and Care 11.12.2024 | Prof. Dr. Christine Morgenstern (RUB)/Prof. Dr. Gunda Werner (RUB): Of heavy boys, hard dogs and vulnerability: The prison system as a man's world 18.12.2024 | Prof. Dr. Gregor Schuhen (RPTU Landau): Precarious masculinities in Nicolas Mathieu's “Leurs enfants après eux” and Joseph Ponthus' “À la ligne” (Online event at Zoom: Please register at until one day before to receive the Zoom link). 15.01.2025 | Prof. Dr. Julia Bee (RUB)/Prof. Dr. Henriette Gunkel (RUB): Digital Violence and Misogyny 29.01.2025 Panel discussion “Conflicting Masculinities”: Authoritarian Structures, Privileges, Violence: Research on Masculinity

Looking for interview partners for a study

Outpatient care for trans* people in Germany
Flyer in the colors of the trans pride flag with text: trans* in home care? Your experience counts.  Who am i looking for? You... are in need of care, are supported at home, identify as trans*. How is it done? Interview about your care experience, at your preferred location, on your preferred date. I would like to talk to you personally to make the life situation of trans* people in care visible. You will remain anonymous and your data strictly confidential.

Digital event on the long-term consequences of COVID-19

Prof. Dr. Mona Motakef speaks at an event organized by the Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg occupational disease advice centres.
Screenshot of the Flye

Master's student Francesco Cavallo was a speaker at the 2nd Queer Political Human Rights Conference in the German Bundestag

On 27.09.2024, the second Queer Policy Human Rights Conference of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag took place in Paul-Löbe-Haus in Berlin.
Francesco Cavallo sits at the conference table and gestures with his right hand.