Ad-hoc Group: (Self-)Care Beyond Romantic Love before, during, and after Corona
![Flyer der Ad-Hoc-Gruppe (Selbst-)Sorge-Arrangements jenseits des heterosexuellen Paarseins und der Kleinfamilie](/storages/ge-sowi/_processed_/d/b/csm_index_618440c24f.png)
Against the backdrop of societal couple and heteronormativity, in the Ad-Hoc Group we want to explore (self-)care arrangements beyond the heterosexual couple and nuclear family: How does the pandemic affect forms of living and housing in which less unequal forms of communality are sought, such as unromantic co-parenting or multi-parenting constellations, friendly shared housing, and family-like multi-generational homes? Are new forms of caring responsibility emerging, such as neighborly support or digital networks? What does this mean for friendships and care relationships, such as those of precariously employed people who cannot stay at home or of older people without a partner? What is the significance of geographical differences with regard to different legal regulations?
On 23 August 2021 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. (digital) with the following presentations:
"Prekäre Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse und Politiken der Ent_Prekarisierung in pandemischen Zeiten" von Christine Wimbauer und Mona Motakef
"Selbst/Sorge und Gerechtigkeit – eine geschlechtertheoretische Skizze" von Elisabeth Holzleithner
"Freundschaften im Alter: Sorge-Verantwortung in einer paarzentrierten Welt" von Julia Hahmann
Further information on the Joint Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS) and the Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS): "Post-Corona-Gesellschaft?! Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen" from 23-25 August 2021, University of Vienna (digital) at: