"Crises, Bodies, Competencies. Methods and Potentials of Medical Anthropological Research" 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM)

At the 35th annual conference of the Association for Anthropology and Medicine (AGEM) "Crises, Bodies, Competencies. Methods and Potentials of Medical Anthropological Research" in cooperation with the 20th working meeting of the German Society for Empirical Cultural Studies (DGEKW) at the Warburg-Haus in Hamburg from 9-9 September 2023, Prof. Mona Motakef and Holly Patch will give a talk with Manuel Bolz (Universität Hamburg) and Prof. Sabine Wöhlke (HAW Hamburg) titled "Preventing, Postponing, and Becoming. Temporality in Trans* Biographies".
Further information, including the program, can be found on the AGEM website.