2025 | "Sounding Trans* and Claiming Voice" im Seminar "Pensée straight, (im)pensée queer?". [Straight mind, queer (un)thought] der Forschungsgruppe "Musi-queer." Université de Lorraine, Metz, Campus du Saulcy, Frankfreich: 10. Juni 2025. |
2025 | Q&A "Blend and Balance in Trans* Choral Musicking," im Rahmen des Doktorandenseminars "How Gender Has Mattered in Music History," Prof. Dr. Kay Norton, Arizona State University, USA: 14. April 2025. |
2025 | Vortrag im Rahmen des CoACT-Kolloquiums "Ecology from different perspectives: communities, gender equality, energy and democracy," Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca, Università di Trento: 31. März 2025. |
2024 | “'Blend' in Trans* Choral Musicking” auf der 16. Tagung der European Sociological Association, “Tension, Trust and Transformation”, Research Network 2 – Sociology of the Arts. Porto, Portugal: 27.-30. August 2024. |
2024 | “Collective Singing and Gendered Interaction – empirical and methodological reflections” auf der 9. Feldarbeitstage “Perspektivendifferenz. Zur Ethnographie des kommunikativen Handelns.” Dortmund: 21.-22. Juni 2024. |
2024 | "Rediscovering, Re-empowering, and Re-incorporating Voice in Trans* Choral Singing" im Rahmen des Kolloquiums "Musik-Kultur- Wissenschaft„ von Prof. Dr. Corinna Herr, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikpädagogik, Universität Koblenz, 16. Januar 2024. |
2023 | "Verhindern, Verschieben und Werden. Zeitlichkeit in trans*-Biografien" mit Manuel Bolz, Mona Motakef, Sabine Wöhlke auf der Jahrestagung der Kommission Medizinanthropologie der DGEKW/AGEM „Krisen, Körper, Kompetenzen. Methoden und Potentiale medizinanthropologischen Forschens“, Warburg Haus Hamburg, 8-9. September 2023. |
2023 | "Trans* Vocality: Experiencing Vocal Body and Claiming Voice" auf der 12. Jahrestagung der Fachgesellschaft Gender Studies "membra(I)nes", Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle & Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, 15.-17. Juni 2023. |
2023 | "Sounding Voice – A Guided Exploration" mit Holden Madagame auf der 12. Jahrestagung der Fachgesellschaft Gender Studies "membra(I)nes", Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle & Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, 15.-17. Juni 2023. |
2023 | “Listening to Listening for Gender: Insights from Research on Trans* Vocality” at the international workshop "'Sounds Different' - Postcolonial Perspectives on Aurality and the Politics of Listening" at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg / Institute for Advanced Study. Delmenhorst, 4-6 May 2023. |
2023 | “Claim Your Voice: An Ethnographic Study of Trans* Vocality“ Gender Studies interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung, Universität Bielefeld: 25 April 2023. |
2022 | "Vocal Ability, Vocal Body, and Gender", Vortrag in der Sektionsveranstaltung "Kulturen des Könnens" der Sektion Soziologie des Körpers und des Sports auf dem 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 29.9.2022, Universität Bielefeld. |
2022 | Podiumsdiskussion "LGBTQ+ Choirs, Care, and Activism since the Pandemic" auf dem 4. Symposium der LGBTQ+ Music Study Group "Queer, Care, Futures" an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, 22.-24. April 2022. |
2022 | "From Musical Asylum to Queer Choral Mobilization" with Thomas Hilder at the closing conference "Conflicts over Women's and Gender Rights: Ambivalences and Contradictions" of the ZiF Research Group “Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights,” Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF) of Bielefeld University, 10-12 March 2022. |
2021 | "Beyond Queer Theory: Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Community Service Learning through Transatlantic Exchange" with Simone Pfleger at the International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC), online and co-hosted by Drextel University and East Carolina University, 26-29 October 2021. |
2021 | “Liberalism and the Construction of Gender (Non)-Normative Bodies and Queer Identities” with Ligia Fabris and Karsten Schubert at the mid-term conference “Framing Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights” of the ZiF Research Group “Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights,” Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF) der Universität Bielefeld, 24-26 März 2021. |
2020 | “Trans* Vocality: lived experiences of singing in a trans* chorus”. Department of Musicology, Forschungskolloquium, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 27 November 2020. |
2020 | „Trans* Singing: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Gender and Voice.“ Ringvorlesung, MA Gender Studies, Universität Bielefeld: 29 Juni 2020. |
2020 | “What strategies can we apply as academics to enable 'nothing about us without us' knowledge production?” for meeting of Collective ‘Decolonizing Research Methodologies in Music and Gender Studies: Strategies for Practical Application and Action’. Combined with Gesellschaft für Musik (GfM) Ethnomusicology Symposium on ‘Decolonizing Europe through Music Scholarship’, Bonn, 18-20 September 2020 (verschoben auf 2021). |
2020 | Final research and contributions presentation of the DFG Scientific Network ‘Americana: Aesthetics, Authenticity and Performance in US Popular Music’ in Freiburg: 7-10 Mai 2020 (verschoben auf 2021). |
2019 | “The National Anthem - Liberal American Trans* Political Performativity” presentation in DFG Scientific Network ‘Americana: Aesthetics, Authenticity and Performance in US Popular Music’ meeting on “Performance” in Konstanz, 14-17 November 2019. |
2019 | “Decolonizing the vocal bodies of trans* singers: methods in studying trans* singing” workshop presentation of Collective ‘Decolonizing Re- search Methodologies in Music and Gender Studies: Strategies for Practical Application and Action’. Department of Musicology, Georg-August- Universität Göttingen, 3-5 November 2019. |
2019 | “Contingent Comfort – Embodied, Lived Experiences of Singing in a Trans* Chorus” at the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SGGF/SSEG) international conference ‘Violent Times, Rising Protests: Structures, Experiences, Feelings’, Universität Bern, Schweiz, 12-13 September 2019. |
2019 | “Listening for Gender: Singing by trans* identified people in a trans* chorus“ at the conference ‘Music in the body – body in music: The body at the intersection of musical practice and discourse’. Department of Musicology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 5-6 September 2019. |
2019 | “Experiencing Gender and the Sounding of Self: becoming in trans* singing” presentation in DFG Scientific Network ‘Americana: Aesthetics, Authenticity and Performance in US Popular Music’ meeting on “Authenticity” in Oldenburg, Germany: April 25-28, 2019. |
2018 | “Bringing Feminist Materialisms and Transgender Studies into Vocal Training” podium presentation with Diane Robinson (Chicago Voice Center) at the VASTA (Voice And Speech Trainers Association)/PAVA (Pan American Vocology Association) 2018 Joint Conference – ‘Soma & Science: Bridging the Gap in Interdisciplinary Voice Training’, The Cornish Playhouse, Seattle, Washington, USA: August 11-14, 2018. |
2018 | “Trans* Vocality: Singing Bodies, Lived Experiences, and Joyful Politics” talk at the 2018 ICTM Joint Symposium of the Study Group on Music and Minorities and the Study Group on Music and Gender at the Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Österreich, 23-31 Juli 2018. |
2018 | “Bringing Participatory Action Research Methodologies to Qualitative Research in Transgender Voice Work” – talk co-authored and presented on our behalf by Diane Robinson (Chicago Voice Center) at the international, interdisciplinary conference ‘Creative Bodies – Creative Minds’, Graz, Österreich, 26-27 März 2018. |
2018 | “Trans* Vocality: Singing, Gender, and Joyful Politics” – guest lecture at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, JB 704, 7 März 2018. |
2018 | Alumnus talk to The University of Iowa Presidential Scholars, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, Honors Center, März 2018. |
2018 | “Gender and Vocal Identity: Trans* Singing” presentation with tenor Holden Madagame at Art/Science Festival 2018 ‚Identität‘, Zentrum für Ästhetik der Universität Bielefeld, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, 17-19 Januar 2018. |